首页 / Products / Size distribution photometer / HA880D Small Distribution Photometer / LED880D LED Small Distribution Photometer

LED880D LED Small Distribution Photometer


HA880 HA880OD is used to measure the photometrie performance of small LED lamps and single high-power LED. The

instrument is designed with an optical dark box and light bar, and the testingdistance can beselected without theneed for

a dark room. The testing method meets the tes ting requirements of CIE127 and 1EC61341 standards. Tested EEI Energy

Efficiency Index, The tested lamp can rotatea round the vertical and horizontal axes within a rangeof土180*

Photometric measurement range: 01~30000ed

Angle range -180~+180*

Photometric measure range: 0.1~30000ed

Angle range: -180~* 180

Photometric measurement accuracy: Class1

Angle measurement accuracy: 0.2

Photometric measure acuracyClassl

Angle measure accuracy: 02

The W input correction level of the photodetector meets the requirements of the national first-class illuminometer

The WAcorrection level of the phato detect ris high, meeting the requirements of the installfirst cls iluminance meter

Automatic drawing of spatial distribution curves of light intensity (including polar coordinates and Cartesian coordinates) and automatic measurement of light angle testing methods are required by Manni CIE and national standards.

Automatically drawing the spatial distribution curve of ight intensity (polar coordinates and right angle coordinates) and

Automatically measure the beam angle, t meet the requirements of CIE and national standards and the testing performance is fixed at


Maximum diameter of testable reflective lamps: 15cm

Max diameter of testable reflective BMP: 15cm

The measurement data meets the requirements of international and domestic standards, and is output in ESNA file format, which can be directly called by other lighting and lamp design software.

Mesure data meters the Req uirments of conceptual and domestic standard ds, and its output in IESNA file hormat, which can be

Directly all by other right and lamped sign between







0571-88771217; 15868113897 Manager Zhao; 15606507681 Manager Cao


Room 109, 1st Floor, Building A, Kaiyuan Art Park, No. 59 Daying Street, Continental Industrial Park, Yuhang District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province

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